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How a visa for residence in the UAE differs from an entry permit

visa for residence in the UAE differs from entry permit

In the UAE, residency visas and entry permits are often exchanged. Some ex-pats believe that an entry visa is sufficient to enter and stay in the UAE until their employment contract expires. They had no idea that a residence visa was still required to stay in the country for the duration of their stay. So, if you are an ex-pat in the UAE, you should know the difference between an entry permit and a residence visa, or you will run into problems.

Before visiting the UAE, you must apply for both an entry permit and a residence visa. Even after you get your first job, you will need to keep both, especially if you plan to stay here for a long time. Remember that there are consequences for breaking the rule.

You may be deported if you do not have the necessary documents to stay in the UAE, and you may be fined if you obtain your permits and visa late. If you don’t want to deal with these issues later, it’s best to understand the purposes of these two important documents as soon as possible.

Difference between an entry permit and a residence visa in the UAE?

To summarize the difference between an entry permit and a residence visa, an entry permit is a document that allows ex-pats to enter and stay legally in the UAE for a limited time, whereas a residence visa is issued to the ex-pat once he or she enters the country using the entry permit.

What exactly is a UAE Entry Permit?

In the UAE, an entry permit is usually issued by the General Directorate of Residency and Foreign Affairs (GDRFA). This document specifies the length of time an ex-pat can legally remain in the country. This could be in the form of a written document or an electronic copy. In some cases, you may need to apply for an entry permit before flying into the country, or you may obtain one once you arrive

Who is going to pay for the Entry Permit?

If you are traveling to the UAE with a sponsor, your sponsor will handle all of the necessary transactions to obtain your entry permit. This will be done through GDRFA’s online and offline channels. Your sponsor could be your employer, a private sector company you work for, a government entity, a relative in the UAE, a UAE-based airline, or someone in a similar role.

What are the different types of Entry Permits?

Entry permits vary depending on your reason for visiting the UAE. In general, the UAE has six entry permits. a single for employment, family visits, tourism/transit, treatment, mission, and conference attendance

Do entry permits have a time limit?

Yes, entry permits do have expiration dates. An expiration date is the time frame in which the entry permit must be used. You are permitted to enter the country within the specified timeframe whether you use land borders, seaports, or airports.

Entry permits are typically valid for two months. The validity of an entry permit cannot be extended by an ex-pat. It will automatically expire after the period specified in the certificate attestation.

It’s also worth noting that entry permits have different expiration dates depending on the type. A person with a transit entry permit, for example, can only stay in the country for four days, whereas a person with an employment entry permit can stay for two months. During the two months, the employee should be granted a residence visa to allow him or her to stay.

It is the employer’s responsibility to apply for a residence visa. If this is not followed and the employee’s status has not been changed to the resident, he or she will be asked to leave the country immediately. Otherwise, he or she will have to pay the equivalent fines and face the charges.

To avoid problems, if you are an ex-pat in the UAE with an expired entry permit, make sure to inform your employer.

What is a UAE Residence Visa?

In contrast to an entry permit issued before or during entry into the country, a residence visa is issued to ex-pats after they enter the country using an entry permit. Sponsors will apply for expats’ residence visas, but they must meet the requirements of the GDRFA.

What documents are required for a residence visa?

You will be required to take a medical exam to demonstrate that you are medically fit to remain in the country. You must also pass the security check.

Do residence visas have a time limit?

Yes, residence visas have expiration dates. The validity date of a residence visa is determined by the type of visa and the sponsor. It can last for one, two, or three years.

Once you have received your residence visa, the attestation service agencies will attach a residence visa to your passport, allowing you to freely travel in and out of the UAE for the duration of your visa. If you do not want your residence visa to be automatically canceled, your travel time should not exceed 6 months.

Now that you understand the distinction between an entry permit and a residence visa, there is no need to use these terms interchangeably. You can now tell which is which. To avoid paying penalties, keep the expiration dates of your visas in mind.

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